
Closed Pubs

CLOSED Pubs within Wirral CAMRAs Branch Area

We are attempting to build a database of all pubs which have ever existed in the CAMRA Wirral Branch area (Wirral Borough plus post code CH64 in Cheshire). What we have done so far can be viewed online on CAMRA’s WhatPub? website, searching for Wirral (CAMRA) and filtering the search to restrict to ‘closed pubs only’. See here Closed Pubs

What is Included

The data is not perfect, probably has many errors and is certainly not complete as there appears to be at least 25 further pubs where we have insufficient information to list at present.
We have tried to include every pub where there appears to be some clear evidence of its existence and location.

We have not included pubs where:

There is no name (often described as Beer House or Ale House).

  • There is a name but nothing else has been traced.
  • There is no address (or a very vague address).
  • There is very limited information, particularly where there are nearby pubs and the information may relate to another pub already listed.

Pub Names

Generally, we have listed a pub under the last name it used and shown any previous names where relevant. However, where a pub changed its name close to the time it finally closed, we have used the former longstanding name and shown the more recent name as an alternative.

Some pubs, particularly those that started as Beer Houses, were known by several different names, often nicknames, and the licensing records are a little confusing. The entries were sometimes badly written so the extracts might have suggested a different pub existed. This confusion may have caused some publications to include errors which are then repeated in other later works.

Structural Alterations and Demolitions

Where a pub has had significant structural alterations without full demolition, it remains listed in the original pub entry. Where a pub is completely demolished and a new pub is built on the same or adjacent site, both old and new pubs are listed separately. However, if little or no information is known to confirm any alleged demolition of a pub, a separate listing for a ‘new’ pub is not created.

Pub Locations

Streets and house numbering have changed in several areas, so we have listed the new and old name of the street and where the pub is on a street corner, given the names of both streets. To aid location we have also given a grid reference (even if only approximate).

[The CAMRA pub database requires an entry for a postcode even where the pub or even the entire street was demolished before post codes were introduced in the early 1970s – so a modern local postcode has had to be used.]

Dates of Opening

We have relied on local publications, websites and old licensing records to identify when pubs opened, closed or were demolished.

We strongly recommend the series of four books, Pubs of Wirral by Ian Boumphrey. There you will find more information about all the pubs, dates of operation, names of licensees, interesting facts about the pubs and an impressive collection of photographs. We must acknowledge the invaluable information obtained from these books and would like to thank Ian Boumphrey for his kind permission to use this information.

If anyone has any comments, corrections or information about the data, please contact ku.gro.armac.larriw@buptahw . We would also appreciate any photos for the closed pubs we could use, but we must have the copyright owner’s permission before we can use them.